IMS Manual and Procedures

Feb 13, 2025by Poorva Dange

The Integrated Management System is governed by an apex manual. IMS Manual is structured in the same way as the standard clauses to give a high-level insight on the way an organisation is adhering to each clause. Only addition in an IMS Manual are some sub clauses that are unique and identified while integrating different standard requirements into one single unified IMS Manual. Previously IMS manual was audited but now IMS manuals are not under audit scope. Even though not audited, it is an important document while starting the journey of IMS. This is important both for the organisation as well as for employees to have an overview on the organisation’s IMS.

IMS Manual and Procedures

IMS procedures are the core essence of the IMS manual. Usually reference numbers of the procedures are mentioned in the manual in all relevant clauses.

IMS Procedures are usually structured in a way that consists of following component:

  1. Applicability of procedure
  2. Procedure contents
  3. Compliance Obligations Applicability
  4. Relevant trainings involved in the procedure (mandatory/voluntary)
  5. Related formats/templates
  6. References (Standard names, external sources, etc)

The first step to understand the kind of procedures that would be required to be developed. To go ahead with this, one needs to have a comparison of clause-to-clause of the relevant standards in IMS. At the same time, look at the existing procedures of the organisation to see if it suffices with the clause requirement. If yes, then same can be exported directly and if not, then how existing procedures can be modified to fit the requirements of the clauses. This exercise will help to give a clear idea on how procedures can be integrated for similar requirements and the one that need a unique procedure to be developed to fulfil the clause requirements. For the audit purposes, there is no specified requirement in standard that calls for separate procedure for different standard neither has there been any set procedure format too to develop these. From audit point of view, the only thing is, requirements of the clause need to be met, whether it is a integrated procedure or a stand alone procedure.

IMS Tollkit

Mostly procedures are categorised into two types:

  1. Common Management System Procedures
  2. Standard Specific Procedures

Common Management Procedures

Usually, all common clause requirements that can be integrated in one single procedure are combine together. This helps to address clause requirement across all standards under consideration for IMS. Apart from just sheer convenience, the end users save time and effort. Even during any type of audit, one single procedure for a clause, for example, Management Review will allow auditor to review the clause by going through just one single procedure that is complying to all relevant standards and review of actual records of conducting management review along with communication evidences. Thus, an end-to-end impact is seen. Some examples of such procedures are:

  1. Leadership and Commitment– Includes EMS/QMS/OHS&MS Policy description, frequency of review, communication channel, etc
  2. Management of Changes– Includes need/criteria of MOC, process flow from initiation to implementation, format, etc
  3. Compliance Obligations– Includes identification, evaluation of compliance, compliance register format, etc
  4. Roles, Responsibility and Authority – Includes RASIC matrix, communication, etc
  5. Management Review– Includes Schedule, Inputs programme, output communication 
  6. Internal Audit– Includes Internal audit programme, Process of conducting Internal audit, non-conformities, etc
  7. Competence, Training and Awareness– Includes Competence Matrix, Training needs assessment, etc

Standard Specific Procedures

Standard specific procedures as the names suggest are unique requirements mentioned in the clauses/sub clauses of the standard that do not match with any other standard. The best way to address or fulfil such requirements is to have stand alone procedures. This would ensure effective implementation as well as comply to standard requirements.

To name a few, Some of such procedures are:

  1. Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA)– Includes Process flow of HIRA, Risk Matrix, Responsible owners, etc 
  2. Environmental Aspect and Impact– Includes process flow of EIA, Risk Rating, etc
  3. Contractor Management and Outsourcing– Includes selection, evaluation, compliance of Contractors management
  4. Design and Development Procedures– Includes process of incorporating inputs from customers to delivery of product and entire chain of quality check, etc

Once the process of identification of common and standard specific procedures is done, the next step is to have a project plan to create, review and release these procedures. A separate review team must be formed to ensure that procedures are looked at holistically. For the developing these procedures, specific teams are created with specified timelines and review mechanism. For common procedures, team consisting of members who have expertise of relevant standards of IMS are formed. For standard specific procedures, teams that have expertise in the clause requirement are selected for these procedures. Underline purpose being, accountability and holistic approach are the keys to ensure end-to-end completion of these procedures.

Template or formats that are part of the procedure is very critical since it becomes a record eventually and becomes evidence during audit. These templates or formats are used by people who work around product day in and day out hence there are certain aspect that need to be kept in mind while creating these templates, it must:

        Be Crisp and user-friendly format

●        Minimise review sign offs at the end of format

●        Ensure only required data is captured. Data is a tricky part. One might think to capture all types of data to analyse. But it is important to understand which data can generate what type of report and if that report is something that is critical to IMS. The decision needs to be taken wisely since this will form a part of process for workers.

●        Avoid duplication

●        Look for options to digitise if possible – Deploy digitised tool for data capturing. Some organisations have integrated AI with machine Learning for this.

Usually, the way procedures are looked are in the order of Plan Do Check Act. Phase wise of PDCA cycle are determined with timelines and responsibility. Even the high level structure of ISO Standards are also in line with PDCA cycle.

IMS Tollkit