How is ISO 9001 Compared to ISO 14001?
ISO 9001 is Quality Management System (QMS) which provides a structured approach for organizations to meet expectations of customers, performance enhancement and demonstration of commitment to quality. The aim is having consistent output of the business to customers. ISO 14001 is Environment Management System that provides framework for organisation to implement an EMS and improve its environmental performance.
Interestingly, in the trend that was seen across business sectors, there was always a demand for QMS. But with climate change and countries vouching to work towards it, more and more customers are demanding the implementation of environment management system. Even the investors are unwilling to work with organisations that do not have clear environment goal for its operations. This this is interesting since ISO standard is not a regulatory requirement for organisations to mandatorily implement, but a need of the organisation itself. Here when businesses are at stake, where investors or customer are not only looking at quality of product but also on the environmental impact that the product is having or will have through its course of existence.
Both the standards adhere to the high-level structure i.e. 10 Clauses with plan do check act as the base principle. Previously ISO 45001 was known as OHSAS 18001, it was not in line with high level structure. But it was revised recently in 2018 and now it is named as ISO 45001:2018.
There is a mix many requirements that are similar and some are unique. ISO 9001 ensures to have product consistency where ISO 14001 aims at implementing environmental framework in the organisation where product is being developed and manufactured. Similar to all ISO Standards, these two standards also can be implemented irrespective of product, organisation size, type of industry, etc.
In the table below Table 1, shows a clear comparison between ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015, clause wise. In the first column with header as “U/I” where U stands for Unique requirement and “I” stands for similar requirements that can be integrated under one header.
Table 1: Comparison table for ISO 9001 + ISO 14001 clause wise
U/I |
ISO 9001:2015 |
ISO 14001:2015 |
Introduction |
Introduction |
0.1 |
General |
0.1 |
Background |
0.2 |
Quality management principles |
0.2 |
Aim of an environmental management system |
0.3 |
Process approach |
0.3 |
Success factors |
0.3.1 |
General |
0.4 |
Plan-D0-Check-Act model |
0.3.2 |
Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle |
0.5 |
Contents of this international standard |
0.3.3 |
Risk-based thinking |
0.4 |
Relationship with other management standards |
I |
1 |
Scope |
1 |
Scope |
I |
2 |
Normative references |
2 |
Normative references |
I |
3 |
Terms and definitions |
3 |
Terms and definitions |
4 |
Context of the organization |
4 |
Context of the organization |
I |
4.1 |
Understanding the organization and its context |
4.1 |
Understanding the organization and its context |
I |
4.2 |
Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties |
4.2 |
Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties |
I |
4.3 |
Determining the scope of the quality management system |
4.3 |
Determining the scope of the environmental management system |
I |
4.4 |
Quality management system and its processes |
4.4 |
Environmental management system |
5 |
Leadership |
5 |
Leadership |
I |
5.1 |
Leadership and commitment |
5.1 |
Leadership and commitment |
U |
5.1.1 |
General |
U |
5.1.2 |
Customer focus |
I |
5.2 |
Policy |
5.2 |
Environmental policy |
I |
5.2.1 |
Establishing the quality policy |
I |
5.2.2 |
Communicating the quality policy |
I |
5.3 |
Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities |
5.3 |
Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities |
6 |
Planning |
6 |
Planning |
I |
6.1 |
Actions to address risks and opportunities |
6.1 |
Actions to address risks and opportunities |
I |
6.1.1 |
General |
U |
6.1.2 |
Environmental aspects |
I |
6.1.3 |
Compliance obligations |
I |
6.1.4 |
Planning action |
I |
6.2 |
Quality objectives and planning to achieve them |
6.2 |
Environmental objectives and planning to achieve them |
I |
6.2.1 |
Environmental objectives |
I |
6.2.2 |
Planning actions to achieve environmental objectives |
I |
6.3 |
Planning of changes |
7 |
Support |
7 |
Support |
I |
7.1 |
Resources |
7.1 |
Resources |
I |
7.1.1 |
General |
I |
7.1.2 |
People |
I |
7.1.3 |
Infrastructure |
I |
7.1.4 |
Environment for the operation of processes |
U |
7.1.5 |
Monitoring and measuring resources |
9.1.1 |
Operational control - Monitoring, measuring equipment |
U | |
General |
U | |
Measurement traceability |
U |
7.1.6 |
Organizational knowledge |
I |
7.2 |
Competence |
7.2 |
Competence |
I |
7.3 |
Awareness |
7.3 |
Awareness |
I |
7.4 |
Communication |
7.4 |
Communication |
I |
7.4.1 |
General |
I |
7.4.2 |
Internal communication |
I |
7.4.3 |
External communication |
I |
7.5 |
Documented information |
7.5 |
Documented information |
I |
7.5.1 |
General |
7.5.1 |
General |
I |
7.5.2 |
Creating and updating |
7.5.2 |
Creating and updating |
I |
7.5.3 |
Control of documented information |
7.5.3 |
Control of documented information |
8 |
Operation |
8 |
Operation |
I |
8.1 |
Operational planning and control |
8.1 |
Operational planning and control |
U |
U |
U |
U |
U |
8.2 |
Requirements for products and services |
8.2 |
Emergency preparedness and response |
U |
8.2.1 |
Customer communication |
U |
8.2.2 |
Determining the requirements for products and services |
U |
8.2.3 |
Review of the requirements for products and services |
U |
8.2.4 |
Changes to requirements for products and services |
U |
8.3 |
Design and development of products and services |
U |
8.3.1 |
General |
U |
8.3.2 |
Design and development planning |
U |
8.3.3 |
Design and development inputs |
U |
8.3.4 |
Design and development controls |
U |
8.3.5 |
Design and development outputs |
U |
8.3.6 |
Design and development changes |
U |
8.4 |
Control of externally provided processes, products and services |
U |
8.4.1 |
General |
U |
8.4.2 |
Type and extent of control |
U |
8.4.3 |
Information for external providers |
U |
8.5 |
Production and service provision |
U |
8.5.1 |
Control of production and service provision |
U |
8.5.2 |
Identification and traceability |
U |
8.5.3 |
Property belonging to customers or external providers |
U |
8.5.4 |
Preservation |
U |
8.5.5 |
Post-delivery activities |
U |
8.5.6 |
Control of changes |
U |
8.6 |
Release of products and services |
U |
8.7 |
Control of nonconforming outputs |
9 |
Performance evaluation |
9 |
Performance evaluation |
I |
9.1 |
Monitoring measurement, analysis and evaluation |
9.1 |
Monitoring measurement, analysis and evaluation |
I |
9.1.1 |
General |
9.1.1 |
General |
U |
9.1.2 |
Customer satisfaction |
9.1.2 |
Evaluation of compliance |
U |
9.1.3 |
Analysis and Evaluation |
9.2 |
Internal Audit |
9.2 |
Internal Audit |
I |
9.2.1 |
General |
I |
9.2.2 |
Internal Audit Programme |
9.3 |
Management Review |
9.3 |
Management Review |
I |
9.3.1 |
General |
I |
9.3.2 |
Management Review inputs |
I |
9.3.3 |
Management Review outputs |
10 |
Improvement |
10 |
Improvement |
I |
10.1 |
General |
10.1 |
General |
U |
10.2 |
Non-Conformity and Corrective Action |
10.2 |
Non-Conformity and Corrective Action |
I |
10.3 |
Continual Improvement |
10.3 |
Continual Improvement |